Sunday, December 13, 2015

Fabian Perez

Artist: Fabian Perez
Title: "Untitled 2"
Media: Oil on Canvas
Dimensions: 43"x37"
Date: 2004

Biography: Fabian was born in 1967 in Buenos Aires.  At a very young age was encouraged to draw by his mother who was an artist herself. His father owned illegal bordellos, brothels & nightclubs & was a gambler & eventually lost everything & went into deep depression. Fabians mother died when he was 16 & father when he was 19. Then he lived as a gypsy trying to survive.
Statement By Fabian: "The purpose of art is to perpetuate beauty, that is what I am always striving for. God created the world & embellished it with the wonders of nature. I think it is the artist's job to embellish it with his work."
Background: Fabian father was another inspiration of his works. He painted his father in many of his bar, brothel & street themed paintings. Many of the images memories of his youth of his father drunk & in depression.
Connections: Fabian has been one of my favorite artists. His history of his childhood & the memories he creates through his artwork, tells his story 

1 comment:

  1. This is a great piece of work. It shows Fabian as an old man beyond his years based on all the things he has seen. His back turned to show his isolation as a painter and how he has to become private.
